Keio SFC Creative Writing
Anthology Spring 2023
(selected writings from students)
The Spring 2023 creative writing students quickly established our
classroom as a space to share their imaginative ideas, and encourage
their classmates to do likewise. Through regular in-class readings of
their work, I watched the students’ confidence deepen and their
creative abilities expand. I am proud to present a small fragment of the
amazing work done this past semester here in this anthology.
Among other assignments, students were asked to produce writing that was
a conceptual or emotional extension of: Luka Khabelashvili’s Breakthrough,
algorithmicvideo’s Ball Bouncing Around the Screen for 10 Hours,
Franz Kafka’s Metamorphosis, Moki’s Untitled 09, and Samuel Beckett’s Not I.
We will hold a small, on-campus event to celebrate the release of this
anthology. Each student will read his or her own works aloud from
the book. Grouper’s Dragging a Dead Deer Up a Hill will be played
sofly on a suitcase record player in the background as they read.
David F. Hoenigman
Visiting Lecturer
Faculty of Environment and Information Studies
cover art: Ran Zhang