Keio SFC Creative Writing Anthology 2021-2022

(selected writings from students)


For the second consecutive year, the Creative Writing course was taught entirely online. Despite the drawbacks, we powered through. The students produced an impressive archive of excellent work, some of which is included in this anthology.

For the final project, along with a lengthy writing assignment, the students had to submit a spoken word file of themselves reading their own literary works. As we neared the end of each semester, after long months of online classes; I wondered if putting together the audio component of the project would overtax the students’ patience and creative ardor. However, in July and again January, I received recordings of the students not only reading their pieces aloud; but reading with added background music, or reading in a dynamic theatrical fashion, or reading with corresponding sound effects. A few of the students even sang on their recordings. Yes, some of them were actually singing.

I would like to thank my students for refusing to let circumstances get the better of them; and refusing to let our time together, though unfortunately distanced from each other, be anything other than inspiring.

David F. Hoenigman

Visiting Lecturer

Faculty of Environment and Information Studies


cover art: Ran Zhang


Anthology 2020-2021


Anthology 2022-2023